About Us

In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”
The main goal of the Department of Pre-University Training and Career Guidance is to develop the professional competencies of students of the preparatory department and students in accordance with the requirements of the Education Code of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulations on the Faculty of Pre-University Training, educational standards and current state regulations and documents, taking into account the requirements of the university integration process into the global educational space.

 Кафедра довузовской подготовки и профориентации

The main tasks of the department are:

  • organization and implementation of educational, methodological and scientific work at the faculty of pre-university training, as well as educational work at the faculties of the university, where the teachers of the department conduct classes;
  • formation of a system of knowledge among students, sufficient for admission to institutions of higher education (HEI), institutions of secondary specialized education (USSO), institutions of vocational education (UPTO) (hereinafter - HEI, USSO, UPTO);
  • assistance in bridging the gap between the level of training of students and the requirements for applicants when passing entrance examinations for admission to HEI, USSO, UPTO;
  • adaptation of students to education in HEI, USSO, UPTO;
  • conducting vocational guidance with graduates of institutions of general secondary education, USSO, UPTO;
  • the implementation of educational and ideological work, the formation of patriotism, citizenship, spiritual and moral qualities in listeners and students, the development of a sense of personal responsibility and an active life position, an increase in their intellectual level and culture.

The main activity of the department is to train students of the preparatory department of full-time and part-time forms of education (it is planned to study such general educational disciplines as "Russian language", "Russian literature", "Belarusian language", "Belarusian literature", "English language", "German language ”,“ Mathematics ”,“ Physics ”,“ History of Belarus ”,“ Social Science ”,“ World History of Modern Times ”,“ Biology ”,“ Chemistry ”,“ Geography ”), as well as foreign students (disciplines“ Russian language ( general proficiency) "," Russian language (professionally oriented proficiency) "," Informatics "and other disciplines according to the chosen profile).

In addition, the department is assigned the disciplines of the compulsory university component "Foundations of Higher Mathematics", "Information Technologies" for students of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy and the correspondence faculty. Since 2012, the department has been assigned the discipline "Russian as a foreign language", which is studied by foreign students of 1-4 courses of all faculties of the university.

The department is engaged in career guidance activities: within the framework of cooperation with a number of secondary schools in Gomel and the Gomel region, teachers carry out educational and educational work; participate in the University Open Day, in the Days of Career Guidance held by the city and district education departments.

Department address: 246019, Gomel, st. Sovetskaya, 98, building number 8, room 17. Tel. 33-69-77.

In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”